Partner With Us


We are a genuine Think Tank whose goal is to join national, regional and international efforts aimed at thinking and championing social protection/social security/health insurance and decent work in Zambia, SADC and the whole African region Thus, we call upon the Government of Zambia, United Nations Social Economic Development Agencies, African Union, Local and International Donor Communities, Civil Society Organizations, Charities, Foundations, the Academia, Research institutions, Traditional leaders, Religious institutions, and individuals to collaborate/partner with us on any social protection/social security/health insurance/decent work plan,  research or any other activities.

In order to collaborate/partner with us, all you need to do is to send us an e-mail containing your profile and state the areas of collaboration/partnership that you are interested in. We shall be happy to collaborate/partner with you in all the areas where we have expertise. We shall also be happy if you can consider building our capacity in areas where we do not have expertise.

Thinking and Championing Social Protection, Social Security, (Health) Insurance and Decent Work Agendas for Zambia, Southern African Development Community (SADC) and Africa because we know the importance of social protection/social security/(health) insurance/Decent Work in the life of every human being.