The vision and mission of ZA THINK Social Protection is to become a center of excellence for scientific research, policy innovation and policy education in social protection/social security/health insurance/decent work that can be used by policy makers, local, regional and international institutions on how to strengthen social protection/social security/health insurance/decent work systems and programs and build universal, strong, reliable, comprehensive and sustainable social protection/social security/health insurance/decent work in Zambia, SADC and the whole African region.  


Our goal is to join efforts with the Government of Zambia, SADC, African Union, and other regional and International development institutions such as Southern African Social Protection Experts Network (SASPEN), United Nations, International Labour Organization (ILO),  World Bank and European Union  among others that are championing social protection/social security/health insurance and decent work agendas so that together we can find solutions to  the challenges faced by the social protection/social security/health insurance/decent work sectors in Zambia, SADC, and African Region as a way to have universal, strong, reliable, comprehensive and sustainable social protection/social security/health insurance for all people in Zambia, SADC, and African Region.


1) Dr. Isaac Kabelenga (PhD):

Isaac Kabelenga is a Social/Public Policy and Development Analyst Expert, Social Worker, and M & E expert by training. He has a  Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)in Social Sciences  from the University of Lapland – Finland, a Master of Science (MSc) Degree in  Social Policy and Development from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) in the United Kingdom, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work from the University of Zambia, and Specialized Certificate in Social Protection Policy  with bias on Designing and Implementing Social Protection Programmes in Africa from the Economic Policy Research Institute (South Africa, Kenya and Netherlands). He is a full-time Lecturer, Researcher and Consultant for Postgraduate (PhD and Masters Degree) and Undergraduate Degree students in Social Protection, Social Policy/Public Policy,  Social Work, Community Development, Child, Youth and Family Welfare, Disability, Mental Health,  Human Rights, Governance and Development, Research Methods in Social Sciences, and Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation at the University of Zambia (UNZA) in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Social Work and Sociology. UNZA is the highest public institution of learning in Zambia.  

Isaac’s achievements in the field of social protection:

include being the first person to introduce the Social Protection Course in 2012 at the University of Zambia (UNZA) in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences in the Department of Social Development Studies, and now called Department of Social Work and Sociology. Since 2012 to date, he has actively participated in teaching the Social Protection course at UNZA. He also teaches Social Policy Analysis at both undergraduate and postgraduate studies where social protection issues are extensively covered.


He was also the first Zambian from UNZA that was part of the regional body that established the Social Protection Platform called Southern African Social Protection Expert Network (SASPEN) in 2011. As a result of the extensive knowledge that he has in social protection, since 2010, he has sat on various national committees in Zambia that formulate and evaluate national social protection programmes. Notable include formulation of National Social Protection Policy, and annual reviews of Social Cash Transfers (SCTs) which include Child Grant Programme (CGP) in the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services; formulation of National Social Security Policy and National Productivity Policy in the Ministry of Labour and Social Security. He has also worked as a Social Protection consultant for local and international NGOs and organizations such as HelpAge International, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), International Labour Organization (ILO), Senior Citizens Association of Zambia (SCAZ), Platform for Social Protection (PSP) Zambia and SASPEN. He is currently the Coordinator for Public Discussions on Social Protection at UNZA. This is a national platform that brings together Policy and Law Makers, CSOs, International Development Partners for Zambia, SADC and Africa, Academia, University and College students and the general public to discuss various topics on Social Protection/Social Security. The discussions are co-hosted with ILO, Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR), and Civil Society for Poverty Reduction (CSPR).


In February, 2022, he established the Zambian Think Tank for Social Protection Foundation Limited (ZA THINK Social Protection). This is a think tank which is aimed at championing social protection/social security/health insurance/decent work in Zambia, SADC and the whole African continent.


Since 10th May, 2022 to date Isaac was appointed by SASPEN as Board of Director for Southern African Social Protection Experts Network (SASPEN). SASPEN is regional social protection organization that is promoting, fostering, expanding and improving social protection in the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) region.


Isaac is the Coordinator of the Think Tank (Za Think Social Protection), Managing and Directing all programmes and activities of the think tank. He is also responsible for allocating responsibilities among members of staff of the think tank.  He also serves as Senior Researcher, Senior Consultant, Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, Trainer and Writer and Editor of Research Reports, Policy Briefs and Articles and Presenter of Research findings, Policy Briefs at Public Forums such as conferences and workshops.  He is also the contact person for all correspondences regarding ZA THINK Social Protection. He can be contacted on: 

2.Dr. Masauso Chirwa (PhD):

He is the current Head of Department for Social Work and Sociology at the University of Zambia (UNZA). UNZA is the highest public institution of learning in Zambia. He is also a full-time researcher for Postgraduate (PhD and Masters Degree) and Undergraduate Degree students in Social Protection, Social Policy, Social Work and Community Development, Human Rights, Governance and Development, Advanced Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods in Social Sciences, and Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation at UNZA in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Social Work and Sociology. He holds a Post-Doctoral Degree in Public Health from Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada- Department of Public; PhD in Policy Studies from University of Warwick, United Kingdom; MSc in International Development from Linnaeus University, Sweden; MSc in International Social Work from Linnaeus University, Sweden; Certificate in Participatory Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation from Wageningen, The Netherlands, and Bachelor of Social Work from UNZA. Masauso serves as Senior Researcher, Senior Consultant, Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, Trainer and Writer and Editor of Research Reports, Policy Briefs and Articles and Presenter of Research findings, Policy Briefs at Public Forums such as conferences and workshops .  

3.Mr. Jairous Joseph Miti:

He is a Lecturer of Social Protection, Social Welfare Theory and Social Policy Analysis, and Human Rights and Development at the University of Zambia (UNZA). UNZA is the highest public institution of learning in Zambia. He is currently pursuing his PhD in Global Health and Development at the University of Tampere in Finland. His thesis is on: extension of social protection to informal economy workers. He has undertaken a number of studies in social protection at both national and regional levels. He is also regularly involved in training of university students and practitioners in social protection/social security/health insurance. Thus, he is well-grounded in social protection. In this organization, Jairous serves as Researcher, Consultant, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, Trainer and Writer and Editor of Research Reports, Policy Briefs and Articles and Presenter of Research findings, Policy Briefs at Public Forums such as conferences and workshops. 

4.Mr. Ntazama Mutungwa:

He is the Programmes Manager at ZA Think Social Protection. He holds a Masters Degree and Bachelors Degree in Public Administration from the University of Zambia (UNZA). He is also a Part-time Lecturer at UNZA. He teaches Contemporary Issues in Social Policy, which include Social Protection, Social Security, Health Insurance and Decent Employment. Ntazama serves as senior administrative officer for ZA Think Social Protection Programmes, Researcher, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, Trainer, Data Collection, Data Analysis, Media Liaison Officer, Writer of Media Articles, Policy Briefs and Scientific Articles

5.Mr. Benard Kabaso:

He is a Programmes Officer at ZA Think Social Protection. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Social Work from the University of Zambia (UNZA). He is  responsible for fieldwork programmes, field research, field data collection and analysis.

6.Ms. Blessed Chishimba:

She is an researcher at ZA Think Social Protection. She has a Masters Degree in Social Protection from the University of Zambia (UNZ), and Bachelors Degree in Sociology from UNZA. She is also a Tutor for Undergraduate Students in Sociology, and Research and Statistical Methods in Social Sciences at UNZA in the Department of Social Work and Sociology. She is responsible for desk and field research, data collection and data analysis. 

7. Ms. Anita Kibenda:

She is an administrative Officer at ZA Think Social Protection.  She holds a Bachelors Degree in Adult Education from the University of Zambia (UNZA). She is responsible for everyday administrative works at ZA Think Social Protection Offices, field research, data collection and analysis.


We are a genuine Think Tank whose goal is to join national, regional and international efforts aimed at thinking and championing social protection/social security/health insurance and decent work in Zambia, SADC and the whole African region Thus, we call upon the Government of Zambia, United Nations Social Economic Development Agencies, African Union, Local and International Donor Communities, Civil Society Organizations, Charities, Foundations, the Academia, Research institutions, Traditional leaders, Religious institutions, and individuals to collaborate/partner with us on any social protection/social security/health insurance/decent work plan,  research or any other activities.

In order to collaborate/partner with us, all you need to do is to send us an e-mail containing your profile and state the areas of collaboration/partnership that you are interested in. We shall be happy to collaborate/partner with you in all the areas where we have expertise. We shall also be happy if you can consider building our capacity in areas where we do not have expertise.